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Æg & Frø – Easter Rite 2018
Afholdes torsdag 29. marts 2018 kl. 17:00 - mandag 2. april 2018 kl. 14:00
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Æg og Frø er en sammenkomst i Påsken med det formål at indgå i et Frugtbarhedsritual.
Vi er 8 facilitatorer der forener kræfter i at holde rum for spiring, eksperimentering, sam-arbejde og fejring omkring fuld månen og forårs Jævndøgnet 2018.
Dagene er struktureret i 3 dele.
I løbet af morgenerne vil vi lave jordforbindelses arbejde med vores Jord Krop såsom at klargøre jorden til frøene, at tænde ild, plante træer, samle æg eller sætte kartofler.
I løbet af eftermiddagen vil vi vække følsomheden i vores hud og lege med det energimæssige landskab i vores indre Natur guidet af erfarne opdagelsesrejsende i form af strukturerede workshops, trygge rum og ritualer.
I løbet af aftenerne vil vi indgå i kollektive og kreative ceremonier, genskabe det vilde, fejre skiftet i Årstid og ankomsten af Forår.
Ugen vil kulminere i en festlig Frugtbarheds Rite som vi selv skaber ud fra vores kollektive intentioner, håndværk, fantasier og ønsker.
Alt bliver gjort og holdt i rammen af en hellig bøn.
Hovedsageligt handler ugen om at komme sammen i frie udtryk af vores forbundne og intime forhold til Jorden. Vi kommer sammen for at nyde livet, genvinde, genopfinde og huske vores ritualer. Vi samles for at opleve kommen-i-enhed, for at skabe en udvidet familie og for at blive befrugtet kreativt, fysisk og åndeligt imens vi spiser, ’træner vores æg’, fornyer vores marker og bliver rørte imens vi bringer vores kræfter sammen ind i den nye tid.
Æg og Frø er om Skønheden ved Væren i Kroppen og Kærligheden ved Livet på denne Jord.
Det er en fejring og en ritualiseret skabelse af den hellige Forbindelse mellem Eros og Økologi, Kroppen og Videre, livets cyklus og en demonstration af, at ved at tage vare på Naturen tager hun vare på os.
Det er en uge med radikal ærlighed og selv-ansvarlighed, transformation gennem leg og bøn, alt rummet i en beholder af kærlighed med intention om at styrke, inspirere og tjene hinanden som vi tjener jorden.
Det er en uge med Kødelig Alkymi, Mytologi lavet til Materie, Frugtbarhed og Opstandelse, Musik og Medicin, Spirer og Spiritualitet, Genfødsel omkring forårsjævndøgnet og vækkelsen af liv overalt omkring os.
Lyset er på vej.
Du er inviteret.
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– Christine Borch / Drømmesalen
– Daniel Hernandez (England),
– Madu (Frankrig),
– Caritia (England/Tyskland),
– Torben Lauritsen (Danmark),
– Christine (Danmark)
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Daniel Hernandez:
Ritual Design, Magisk Theater, Fraktal Bevægelse, Myte & Maske
Medicin Vandring, Gen-fødsels Åndedræt, Tromme Dans
Musik & Bevægelse Medicin, Tao Yoga, Shamanistisk Massage
Shibari Kunst, Legemliggjort Samtykke & Sensuel Kommunikation
Torben Lauritsen:
Sensuel Arkitektur, Ild Leg
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Torsdag d. 29. marts (ankomst senest kl. 17:00)
Mandag d. 2. april (afgang senest kl. 14.00)
Vi anmoder hver deltager om at være tilstede under hele varigheden af samlingen.
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(kan variere fra dag til dag)
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* Vi vil lave mad, skabe rum og rydde plads i fællesskab.
* Venligst medbring dit eget håndklæde, tæppe/sovepose, senge linned og tøj til bevægelse indendøre og blive beskidt udendøre.
(Ved behov – er det muligt at leje håndklæde og sengetøj på stedet for et tillæg på 125 DKK)
*Vi inviterer dig til at medbringe et objekt til vores Påske Rite Alter. Såvel som redskaber, instrumenter og andre former for magi og mediciner.
*Det fælles sprog vil være Engelsk.
*Æg & Frø har drømt som en årlig samling siden 2016. Dette er den 3. udgave.
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~ 3.600 DKK / 485 € // Early Bird (10 billetter tilgængelig) – Registrering & betaling af depositum før Valentines dag – d. 14. feb. 2018.
~ 4.400 DKK / 590 € // Registrering & betaling efter early bird deadline.
**Et depositum på 2000 DKK / 270 € vil blive opkrævet ved registrering (Bank info vil blive fremsendt ved registrering), resten af beløbet betales i kontanter ved ankomst. Den nærmeste bank er ved bus stoppestedet I Askeby.
**Prisen inkluderer alle workshop aktiviteter, overnatning i dobbelt værelse og vegetariske måltider.
**Depositum refunderes ikke.
**Hvis du ønsker et enkelt værelse // venligst føj 600 DKK / 80 € til prisen.
**Derudover, der er et 3. pers. værelse og et 4 pers. værelse til rådighed // venligst træk 400 DKK / 55 € fra prisen.
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Registrer ved at skrive en mail til:
Alle spørgsmål er velkomne!
Skriv venligst på engelsk.
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Øen Møn har et meget unikt landskab, fortryllende lys, energi felt og natur vidundere såsom Møns Klint, hvor spektakulære hvide kalk klipper rejser sig op fra det turkisgrønne hav. Den er kendt for sine unikke mørke nætter, utroligt klare stjerner og er certificeret af IDA (Den internationale ’dark sky’ association) som den første Dark Sky Park og Dark Sky Fællesskab i Danmark.
Øen er hjemsted for nogle af de ældste egetræer og for nogle af de mest uberørte sandstrande i Danmark
I år blev Møn også anerkendt af Unesco som den første biosfære i Danmark, balancerende og anerkendende Naturens behov sideløbende med menneskers behov til begges velbefindende.
Yderligere info:
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Møns Retreat Center
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Hvis du ankommer gennem luften er den nærmeste lufthavn Kastrup. Derfra kan du tage tog til Københavns Hovedbanegård. Derfra skifter du tog til Vordingborg. Endelig fra Vordingborg tager du bus nummer 664. Bussen holder lige udenfor Vordingborg station og kører dig til Askeby. Bed chaufføren om at sætte dig af ved Møns Bank. Derfra er der 10 min. gang til stedet. Generelt tager det omkring 2 timer at komme til Møns Retreat fra København.
*** det eneste taxa selskab i området er beliggende i Vordingborg 40 min. Kørsel fra Askeby. Derfor, hvis du ønsker at gøre brug af det, venligst ring til dem i forvejen: +45 70252525.
Husk at købe togbillet før du stiger på toget.
Online køreplan og rejseplan I Danmark: http://www.rejseplanen.dk
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Æg & Frø (Egg & Seed) is a gathering during Easter with the purpose of engaging in a Fertility Rite.
We are eight facilitators joining forces to hold space for germination, experimentation, co*labor*ation and celebration around the full moon and the spring Equinox of 2018.
The days are structured in three parts.
During the mornings we will be doing grounding work with our Earth Body such as preparing the soil for the seeds, lighting the fire, planting trees, collecting eggs or putting the potatoes.
During the afternoon we will awaken the sensitivity of our skin and play with the energetic landscape of our inner Nature guided by experienced explorers in the form of safe spaces, structured workshops and rituals.
During the evenings we will engage in collective and creative ceremonies re-wilding and celebrating the change of Season and the arrival of Spring.
The week will culminate in a festive Fertility Rite of our own making, drawing on our collective intentions, crafts, fantasies and desires.
All is done and held within a sacred prayer.
Mainly this week is about coming together in free expression of our interconnected and intimate relationship with the Earth. We come together to enjoy life, to reclaim, reinvent and remember our rituals. We gather to experience come*unity, to conceive an extended family and to be fertilized creatively, physically and spiritually as we eat and exercising our eggs, renew our fields and become touched as we bring our forces together into this new time.
Æg & Frø is about the Beauty of Being in the Body & the Love for Living on this Land.
It is a celebration and a ritualized conception of the sacred Union between Eros & Ecology, the Body & Beyond, the circle of life and a demonstration of how by taking care of Nature she takes care of us.
It is a week of radical honesty and self-responsibility, transformation through play & prayer, all inside a container of love with the intention to empower, inspire and serve each other as we serve the soil.
It is a week of Carnal Alchemy, Mythology made into Matter, Fertility and Resurrection, Music and Medicine, Sprouts and Spirits, Rebirthing around the vernal equinox and the awakening of life all around us.
The light is coming.
You are invited.
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– Christine Borch / Drømmesalen
– Daniel Hernandez (England),
– Madu (France),
– Caritia (UK/Germany),
– Torben Lauritsen (Denmark)
– Christine (Denmark)
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Daniel Hernandez:
Ritual Design, Magic Theatre, Fractal Movement, Myth & Mask
Madu :
Medicine Walk, Re-birthing Breathing, Drum Dance
Music & Movement Medicine, Tao Yoga, Shamanic Massage
The Art of Shibari, Embodied Concent & Sensual Communication
Torben Lauritsen:
Sensual Architecture, Fire Play
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Thursday 29th of March (arriving latest at 17:00)
Monday 2nd of April (departure latest at 14:00)
We ask each participant to be present for the whole duration of the gathering.
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(can vary from day to day)
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*We will be cooking, creating and clearing space in co-creation.
*Please bring your own towel, blanket/sleeping bag, bed sheets and clothes for moving indoors and getting dirty outdoors.
(If needed – it is possible to rent towel & bed sheets at the venue for additional 125 DKK)
*We invite you to bring an object for our Easter Rite Alter. As well as tools, instruments and other forms of magic and medicines.
The common tongue will be English.
*Æg & Frø has been dreaming as a yearly gathering since 2016. This is the 3rd edition.
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~ 3.600 DKK / 485 € // Early Bird (10 tickets available) – Registration & payment of deposit before valentines day – 14th Feb. 2018.
~ 4.400 DKK / 590 € // Registration & payment after early bird deadline.
**A deposit of 2000 DKK / 270 € is requested by registration (Bank infos will be shared on registration), the rest of the fee to be payed in cash on arrival. The closest bank is by the bus stop in Askeby.
**Price includes all workshop activities, sleeping in double rooms and vegetarian meals.
**Deposit is non-refundable.
**If you wish for a single room // please add 600 DKK / 80 € to the price.
**In addition, there is one 3 per. room and one 4 per. room available // please reduce 400 DKK / 55 € of the price.
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Register by writing an email to:
All questions are welcome!
Please write in English.
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The island Møn has a very unique landscape, enchanting light, energetic field and natural wonders such as Møns Klint (Møns Cliff), where some amazing white chalk cliffs reaches up from the turquoise-green ocean. It is know for its unique dark nights and incredible bright stars and has been certified by IDA (The international dark sky association) as the first Dark Sky Park and Dark Sky Community in Denmark.
The island hosts some of the most ancient oak trees and some of the most pristine beaches of Denmark.
This year Møn also became acknowledged by Unesco as the first biosphere in Denmark, balancing and acknowledging the needs of Nature alongside the needs of humans for the wellbeing of both.
Further info:
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Møn´s Retreat Center
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If you arrive through the sky the closest airport is “Kastrup” (Copenhagen airport). From there you can take a regular train or a metro train to Copenhagen Central Station. From there you change train to arrive at the station: “Vordingborg”. Finally from Vordingborg you take a bus (number 664). The bus is just outside Vordingborg station and will take you to “Askeby”. Ask the driver to drop you by the “Møns Bank”. From here it is 10 min walk to the venue. Generally it takes around 2 hours to get to the venue “Møn´s Retreat” from Copenhagen.
*** the only taxi company in the area is situated in Vordingborg 40 min drive from Askeby. Therefore if you wish to make use of this, please make sure to call them in advance: +45-70252525.
Remember to buy your train tickets before getting on the train.
Online timetable and journey planner in Denmark: http://www.rejseplanen.dk
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My name is Daniel Hernandez. I am an itinerant mischief-maker exploring the ritual roots of performance. The deeper I have dived into teaching, performing, and living in this rich territory, the more I have seen archaic/ shamanic clown and mask cosmologies become fascinating and colourful routes into individuation: containing a vast treasure-box of rituals, dance, liminal states, grotesque archetypes and clown-lore.
My performances, projects, ceremonies and workshops draw upon a wide variety of related traditions: These include Dance, Clown, Bouffon, Butoh, Contact Improvisation, Tao/Tantra, Vodou, Mask, Psychomagic, Art, Sacred Sexuality and Breathwork.
I am continually researching and developing my practice through trainings, readings, writings, ceremonies, experiments, and mistakes. My first love was music. I don’t claim to be a master of anything.
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MADU (-aka- Maud Gancet)
is an Earth indigenous wanderer who is intensely curious about all manifestations of Life. She feels and works with the invisible realms dancing around and within us. She welcomes what is, and likes to encourage awareness blossoming by creating a propitious environment for Heart-relieve, opening, and connecting with oneself in all its layers.
She enjoys weaving and crafting her magic with an abundant variety of tools and studies, such as body-consciousness, contact improvisation, butoh, transe-induced journey, dancing and singing circles, radical honesty, sweat-lodges and master-plant teachings. She has been practicing and refining the Pulse Breathing method for 5 years, travelling around the world for 8 years, learning, celebrating, and receiving blessings from different shamans, healing practicioners, artists…Nature.
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A modern Alchemist of sounds, defender of the true essence of celebration and manifestor of harmony Dimitrios is carrying an extensive career as a Dj shared in 3 continents of the world (Greece, Brazil & Turkey) for over 16 years.
His sound and musical knowledge are versatile and innovative as they travel beyond expectations and into a great variety of rhythmic and melodic forms that embrace the plurality of this world or even others as well.
His eclectic taste, sensitivity and ability to stir emotions made him perform his music in a diverse of events always delivering the Medicine of Music (as he calls it) pure… as it comes from the heart.
Since 2014 Dimitrios has expanded his craft by giving Music Treatment sessions to individuals and groups organizing events of Conscious Celebration & Wellness Events and sharing the hidden truth of Music as a Medicine for all conditions and disorders through his project “The Music Medicine”.
“The Music Medicine” is a Consciousness, a musical Entity that aims to remind us that the states of harmony and enjoyment are directly related to sound and inspired by Nature itself.
Under this Consciousness, a collective of Musicians, Dj’s, Performers & Practitioners came together with the purpose of raising the vibration in spaces and individuals, using the Medicines of Music and Movement.
The Music Medicine uses Workshops, Musical Ceremonies, Live Shows, Podcasts and Intimate Experiences to “tune” more people to the same consciousness and vibration.
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Caritia is a Berlin based queer, woman of colour (Afro-Caribbean decent) who explores transformation, shadow aspects and communication through Body Play. Her work brings to light the growth potential of exploring fears and shadows. Caritia is a fearless warrior of ritual, using shamanic practices and ritual in conjunction with her over 18 years experience within the varied world of kink. Caritia’s R.A.C.K – (risk aware consensual kink,) advocacy help those who chose to work with her, the space to truly own their journey of self-empowerment and exploration.
Caritia is creating and running her own unique workshops and sessions for individuals, couples and groups since 2012, commencing in Berlin and travelling throughout Europe and Internationally.
Caritia’s aim is to share her knowledge and experience from a perspective of honouring oneself (body, mind, spirit), whilst exploring the inner and outer spheres of the body. Using breath, meditation, sensation play and Japanese style inspired rope bondage. Creating an environment for secure, mindful, communication and interaction. Giving space to explore the challenging and often unexplored landscape and temple that is “your body”.
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Sounds of light is a sound portal for soul activation exploring the healing and transformational potential of sound and light. The center bridges the sound healing traditions of the ancient Temples and Mystical Schools with cutting edge sonic, light and quantum technology. The portal is facilitated by Thomas, a sacred sound therapist, multi-instrumentalist, chocolate alchemist and retreat leader.
He loves to explore how sacred sound opens the heart, fires up our creativity and allows access to more of who we came to be. He works with an abundance of sacred instruments; tibetan singing bowls, gongs, flutes, monochords, harps, tuning forks, duduks, tampura, pre-hispanic sonic tools, crystal bowls, harmonium, shrutis, drums, chimes, bells and the power of voice. He weaves mystical sound landscapes that allow deep relaxation and opens portals to altered states of consciousness and soul activation. And holds space where everyone can feel safe to let go and experience the power of their voice, calling in their purpose, dreams and wisdom of their hearts – empowering all to share this everywhere.
Thomas has 20 years of experience in facilitation and teacher trainings and pioneers creative learning environments for the new wave of sound healers and musical space holders calling in a New Earth of heart centered living.
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Hajnalka was born in Hungary and currently lives in Sweden. She is a listener of Life, an inspirator, dancer, heart opener. She lived and worked many years in Ängsbacka, Scandinavia’s biggest alternative course centre and spiritual community. Has organised and created numerous events like Yoga & Dance Easter Festival, Awaken the Feminine Body, and the first Women’s Festival Sacred Womb.
She has over ten years of experience with various modalities of healing and bodywork, and apprentices on the shamanic Warrior Path of the Sweet Medicine SunDance tradition. Her passion is authentic expression. She works with authentic movement, sacred dance and sacred sexuality, supporting people in finding their way back to their own raw authentic essence.
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grew up in the formative contrasts of metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria and a small town village in central Jutland, Denmark. He works as a sensuality and intimacy guide offering 1 on 1, couple and small group sessions. Besides he develops playgrounds believing that foundations for bodily awareness are laid early in our lives.
Torben has experimented since 1998 with Gender Roles, Tao-Tantra, Breathwork, Meditation and Sexual Intimacy through lived and embodied experiences. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Philosophy & Business Administration and a Master of Arts degree in Experimental Architecture wherefrom he draws on knowledge about existential matters and processual methods of practice.
Torben continuously takes part in workshops, talks and therapy related to body, mind and spirit. He believes that our language shapes and limits our minds and thereby the way we feel, think and act. Whereas our bodies meet others with immediacy – constantly altering our perception of the world. Moving into the nourishment of oceanic energies – requires that we move into our bodies and let go of Language, Time and Space.
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My name is Christine. I was Born in the North of Denmark, baptized within the line of Christ. I am a choreographer, singer/songwriter, spiritual midwife and creative healer guided by Spirit.
I have been walking with ritual theatre, voice & visual art in Denmark, dance & somatics bodywork in England, Butoh Body Weather & meditation in Japan and conscious sexuality & massage in Berlin before traveling to Brazil to be baptized in the river Jordão and embarking on a spiritual journey with plant medicines of various indigenous traditions.
Now, I weave my Nordic Ways with my World Wisdom, planting seeds while sharing my physical prayers, ceremonies, sessions and medicine songs throughout the world in alignment with the truth of my Nature and the Heart of the Forest Within. I do this flowing with, expressing and praying for the Sacred Waters of life.
All I offer is grounded in my own lived embodied experience, drawing from all aspects of my Life Art inspired by Somatic Movement, Contact Improvisation, Body Rituals, Shibari, Tantra, Continuum, Tao Yoga, Massage, Poetry, Permaculture, Indigenous knowledge & various shamanic traditions & plant teachers.
I am the gatekeeper of Drømmesalen, a visionary projects based on Møn island in Denmark, creating sacred space and hosting gatherings with the intention of Dreaming The New Time of human life on Earth into Being.